Introduction of me

This is not me..... It is my teacher Mr.Denton!!!
Heyo!!! My name is Chantelle Shum from Y6B in YCIS I am a Singaporean. This is a website of my work in school, I created this website because I want to show everyone my work that I have done in school and being very proud of. The things that I want to share are a self portrait of me made in the computer, pics that I have painted, money that I have made with my partner, Sarah Park, to donate to heart to heart (just in case you didn’t know, it is a donation like UNICEF). Being a year six, we have been to a three day, two night camp in Zhu Jia Jiao. We had lots of fun there, so, I will put a picture of how much fun we had there. I will also be putting a newspaper article of two angles in a rhyme of London Bridge. Last but not least, there will be a slide show of my rivers project of the Niger river.